Wednesday, 6 June 2012

The Social Impacts of ICT: Affects of ICT on Local Communities


Hi, I'm Luca and I am a student in year 10 at St. Francis Xavier's College in Woolton, Liverpool. One of the subjects I am currently studying at school is ICT, and I am going to share my knowledge and understanding of this subject with everyone in a series of blogs. In this particular blog, I will be discussing one of the social impacts of ICT - affects of ICT on local communities. I hope that you enjoy this blog, and come away learning something new which you can hopefully pass on to someone else.

Positive Affects on Local Communities

A positive impact ICT has had on local communities is that the communities have access to a lot more local information that is likely to be up-to-date then they originally did and they may also be a lot more likely to become more involved in local issues. Therefore, the communities will be able to keep on top of everything that they need to in and around the community.

Another example of a positive affect on local communities is the fact that social networking sites can put advertisements for local companies on their websites. This would make people a lot more aware of who that company are and what they stand for etc.

Negative Affects on Local Communities

Local businesses such as printed publications and newsletters etc may go out of business because computers and other various technology will do this job instead.

Local businesses such as shops will also suffer because most of the retail nowadays is online. This means that the people who run the stores will become out of business which could lead to worse things such as that person having no money or job etc. This may also affect the people who like to have a walk round and look in these shops such as elderly people. If the shops go, the fun which they have looking in these shops will be over.

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